Saturday, December 11, 2010

Philippe Starck

Philippe Starck
          Philippe Starck is unlike any designer I have ever seen or heard about before.  His designs range from simple elegant settings to extravagant, over the top designs.  Not only does he produce incredible interiors, Starck also produces many unique and innovative furniture, lamps and other products.  He was educated in Paris at the Ecole Camondo and in 1986, he founded his first design firm.  This design firm specialized in inflatable objects.  Starck has worked independently as an interior and product designer since 1975.  Some of his most famous and recognizable objects include the translucent ghost chair, his gorgeous black chandelier, goofy gnome tables and quirky gun stand lamps.  His designs are very eclectic and many are very unusual.  Some products he has created include a slim household juicer, a stylized toothbrush and a line of Starck watches with Fossil Inc. watch company.  Some of his most well known interiors are not usually residential but rather, commercial.  His famous work includes restaurant and hotel interiors.  Starck’s use of materials, furniture, art and color all set his designs apart from any other modern day designer.  His eclectic, sort of ludicrous motifs give his designs a unique, innovative and gorgeous style. 

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